It is to cut off the chain of hatred in the Middle East ...

It is to cut off the chain of hatred in the Middle East ...

It is to cut off the chain of hatred in the Middle East ... To break the chain of hatred in the Middle East - also in international politics [forgiveness] [By the Japanese government, you're the same as stupid allies of the devil of the coalition of the willing ' The video, which killed a Japanese hostage, flows in such a message is voice by [Islamic State]. In contrast, the United Kingdom of Cameron prime minister, criticized the [Islamic countries is the devil incarnate. In which each other with each other swearing and [the devil], it has further intensified the war. There is a way to solve a chain of hatred of wonder in the Middle East. First of all, it is necessary to consider divided on a number of factors too complex structure of confrontation in the Middle East. () Now also followed by Western fight against racism colonialism. () Fundamentalism of the sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia. () Religion confrontation of Islam and Christianity Judaism. Given divided into the two elements, the solution comes into view to some extent.